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《关联理论视角下_生活大爆炸_第五季中幽默会话含义的分析_张悫.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《关联理论视角下_生活大爆炸_第五季中幽默会话含义的分析_张悫.docx(96页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 ABSTRACT Humor, as a specid speech act, is used in our daily life widely. Because humor is not only a communication maimer owned by human beings specially, but also a kind of desirable and influential language art, which plays a very significant role in different kinds of cultures and languages. Re

2、search on the humorous conversation implication is such an important topic. Referring to humor, the autiior can not ignore tibte unique fimction of humormelting embarrassment and adding comnmnication interest for peoples life. The research of humor can date back to Plato and Aristotle during Ancient

3、 Greek Times. At that time, most of the studies on humor focused on physiology, psychology, anthropology and sociology. The studies on humorous conversation implications from the perspective of linguistics have risen from the late 1970s. In recent years, with the growth of linguistic scholar group,

4、scholars began to probe into studying and intCTpreting humor linguistically. At the very beginning, studies focused on semantics, rhetoric, and syntax and so on. With the developing and brozuiening of this discipline, linguistics has been subdivided into different smaller branches. At the same time,

5、 new branches have been added to linguistics. Under such situation, more and more theories can be applied to explain humorous conversation implications. Pragmatics, as a new branch of linguistics, has earned tremendously popularity among linguists. Thus, the study of humor extended to the field of p

6、ragmatics. More and more scholars are inclined to employ the subset theories in pragmatics such as speech act theory, cooperative principles and relevance theory to explain humorous conversation implications. Definitely, cognitive pragmatics must be paid attention to. The significance of using pragm

7、atics lies in “implication”, which can be called as “speaker meaning”. Generally speaking, humor can be understood from two perspectivesspeakers and listeners. In 1986, French linguist Sperber and England linguist Wilson put forward the relevance I theory together which belongs to pragmatics. In rec

8、ent years, the relevance theory provides great cogjiitive pragmatic foundation for pragmatics. Along with the evolvement of different cultural fonns, popular songs, films and television programs prosper and develop rapidly. Among them, the American Sitcom becomes more and more popular, and serves as

9、 a carrier for the studying of humorous conversation implications. The fact scholars have to admit is that only when there is a carrier for the humor study, can the learners understand and master such humor better. In the history of American sitcom, there are many excellent works, such as Friends, E

10、veryone loves Raymond, and the renewing The Big Bang Theory. All these Sitcoms offer vivid examples for the study. The theory foundation of this thesis is the relevance theory, which is a branch of pragmatics. The analyzed object is a popular American Sitcom on InternetThe Big Bang Theory V. In the

11、thesis, the author uses the two principles of relevance theory to indicate the humorous conversation implications from different perspectives. During the process of analyzing, the author of this thesis classifies the humorous conversation implications by distinct techniques, aiming at proving the si

12、gnificance of relevance theory in the interpreting of humorous conversation implications. This thesis puts forward some pragmatic and cross-cultural suggestions for learners, and suggests applying this research into the cross-culture research and English teaching as well. This thesis can be divided

13、into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction to the whole thesis. In this chapter, the research background, objectives and significance, research methodology of this study are discussed. Meanwhile, the structure of this thesis is put forward as well. The second chapter is literature review.

14、 At first, the author gives the definition of humor, and introduces tibe American sitcom briefly. Then the author gives an outline of the three classical theories of humor. At last, the author summarizes the recent development situation of humorous conversation implications. The third chapter is the

15、 theoretical framework. In this chapter, the relevance theory, as tiie theoretical foundation, is elaborated in detail. The main purpose is to let readers comprehend the significance of two principles of relevance theory and cognitive context in the study of humorous conversation implications. The f

16、orth chapter is the most important chapter of this thesis. In this chapter, the author uses the relevance theory to analyze 仕 le vivid instances in 丑每 Theory V. The research emphasizes on the inference process of tibte audience during the watching. The fifth season of this sitcom is the object. The

17、last chapter gives a summary of the whole thesis. Major findings, some implications and limitations are put forward. Meanwhile, some suggestions are also presented to learners. Key Words: Humor, Conversation implications, Relevance Theory, The Big Bang Theory m 摘要 幽默作为一种特殊的言语行为,在人们的日常生活中被广泛的应用。因为 幽默

18、不仅是一种人类特有的日常沟通与交际的方式,更加是一种富有魅力与影 响力的语言艺术,因此幽默在各种不同的文化和言语中都有着重要的作用。对 于幽默会话含义的研究也是具有非常重要的意义。谈及幽默,不能不提的是幽 默独特的作用一化解尴尬、增添交际乐趣。 对幽默的研究可以追溯到古希腊时期的柏拉图和亚里士多德时期。在当时, 各界学者们对于幽默的研究主要集中在生理学、心理学以及人类学和社会学。 从语言学方面研究幽默会话含义是从 20世纪七十年代后期兴起的。近年来随着 语言学学者队伍的不断壮大,学者们开始探寻能够从语言学的方向来解释幽默 的产生与理解。最初的研究角度为语义学、修辞学以及句法学等等。随着语言 学

19、这一学科的不断发展与扩大,语言学这一大学科不断细分,并且伴随着新兴 分支的加入,能够用来解释幽默的理论不断增加。语用学作 为语言学的一个新 兴的分支,不断兴起壮大,并且越来越受到语言学家的青睐。因此,对于幽默 的解释延伸到语用学。越来越多的人倾向于使用语用学中的言语行为,合作原 则,以及关联理论等分支理论来分析幽默会话含义。当然,在这个趋势中,认 知语言学也是不可忽视的。语用学研究幽默会话含义主要是将目光投放在语言 的 “ 言外之意 ” 上,或许我们也可将其称之为 “ 说话人意义 ” 。对于幽默我们一 般是从说话者和听话者这个角度来理解的。其中必须一提的就是在 1986 年由法 国和英国两位著

20、名的语言学学家斯波尔和威尔逊共同提出了属于语用学一部分 的关联理论。关联理论在近年来给语用学界带来了较大的认知语用学基础。 随着当代各种形式文化的发展,各国的流行歌曲以及影视作品正在繁荣发 展。美国情景喜剧的崛起,为研究英语幽默会话含义提供了一个载体。只有将 对于幽默的研究与分析具体到一个载体中,才能让这种幽默更加为学习者所理 解与掌握。美国情景喜剧历史上有很多非常优秀的作品,例如早期的老友记, 近期的人人都爱雷蒙德,以及仍然在更新中,很受观众追捧的生活大爆炸。 这些情景喜剧为我们分析与学习文本中的幽默会话含义提供了实例。 本篇论文主要的理论基础就 是语用学中的一个分支一关联理论,分析对象 即

21、为最近网络上爆火的生活大爆炸。在本文中,作者运用关联理论的两大关 I 联原则,从不同的角度揭示生活大爆炸中的幽默会话含义。在具体的分析过 程中,作者将文本中的幽默会话含义按照不同的技巧分类,目的在于证明关联 理论在学习者理解与解释幽默会话含义时的重要作用。本文还为学习者提出了 一些交际和语用方面的建议,并提出将幽默会话含义的研究应用到跨文化交际 的研究与教学当中。 本文总共可以分为五个章节。 第一章为简介。主要介绍本文的研究背景,意义,论文的主要结构框架以 及研究方法。 第二章为文献综述部分。首先对幽默进行定义,简单介绍了美国情景喜剧 的发展以及生活大爆炸的主要内容。然后简单的介绍了一下幽默的

22、三大传 统理论。最后,总结了近年来对于幽默会话含义的研究现状。 第三章是文章的理论框架。在本章当中,对于文章主要使用的关联理论做 了详细的解释说明。主要是让读者了解到关联理论的主要内容一两大原则以及 语境和认知的重要作用。 第四章是本篇文章的重中之重。在这一章当中,主要运用关联理论分析生 活大爆炸第 五季中的实例。研究重点在观众观看情景喜剧时,理解幽默含义 的心里推理过程。所有实例都选自该剧最新的第五季的人物会话。 第五章,文章的最后一部分,对前文做了一个总结,主要阐述了本文的研 究发现,主要启示与不足,并对外语学习者和跨文化研究者提供了建议。 关键词:幽默,会话含义,关联理论,生活大爆炸 C

23、ONTENTS Chapter I Introduction . 1 1.1 Research Background . 1 1.2 . Objectives and Significance of the Study . 2 1.3 Structure of the Thesis . 3 1.4 Research Methodology . 4 Chapter II Literature Review . 7 2.1 Humor and Amaican Sitcom . 7 2.1.1 Humor . 7 2.1.2 . American SitcomThe Big Bang Theory

24、. 10 2.2 . Classical Theories of Humor Study . 12 2.2.1 Superiority Theory . 12 2.2.2 Repression/Release Theory . 13 2.2.3 Incongruity Theory . 13 2.3 Researches on Humor at Home . 14 2.4 Previous Studies of Humorous Conversation Implications in The Big Bang Theory . 16 Chapter HI Theoretical Framew

25、ork . 19 3.1 Relevance Theory . 20 3.1.1 Definition of Relevance . 22 3.1.2 Ostensive-Inferential Communication . 23 3.1.3 Context and Cognitive Environment . 24 3.1.4 Principles of Relevance . 25 3.2 Relevance Theory and Humor Comprehension Procedure . 26 Chapter IV An Analysis of the Humorous Conv

26、ersation Implications in The Big Bang Theory V from the Perspective of Relevance Theory. 28 4.1 Analysis of the Conversation Communication Process from RT . 28 4.2 Analysis of Cognitive Mechanism in Humor Comprehension in 5运 Bang Theory V . 29 i 4.2.1 Cognitive Context . 31 4.2.2 Dynamic Context Cho

27、sen . 47 4.3 Analysis of Pragmatic Strategies in Humor Comprehension in The Big Bang Theory V. 49 4.3.1 Ambiguous Ostension . 50 4.3.2 Deviated Inference . 53 4.3.3 Suspense of Conversational Background . 56 4.4 Analysis of Language Techniques in Humor Comprehension in The Big Bang Theory V . 60 4.4

28、.1 Linguistic Techniques. 60 4.4.2 Rhetoric Techniques. 71 Chapter V Conclusion . 76 5.1 Major Findings of the Analysis . 76 5.2 Implications of the Analysis . 78 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies . 79 REFERENCES . 81 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . 86 n Chapter I Introduction Chapter I Introdu

29、ction As the first chapter of this thesis, this chapter plays a necessary role in the whole thesis. In this chapter, four parts will be included: research background, objectives and significance, structure and research methodology of this thesis. 1.1 Research Background Since the first class of Engl

30、ish linguistics, English teachers have told students that language is a tool people used for cominunication. As the most significant elements of human culture, language is developed with the development of human society. Humor, as an indispensable product of human speech act, is also an essential li

31、fe and coramimication skill. Humor is a ubiquitous phenomenon which can be found every day in nearly any comer of tiie world. In peopled daily life, especially during the process of communication, humor can be a serviceable strategy which can produce a comfortable atmosphere to communicators, especi

32、ally when they are strangers. Humor is not a new word, for it has been paid attention to by the linguists and cross-culture scholars for many years. Theories based on philosophy, physiology, anthropology, sociology and so on, have been applied to explain how and why humor is generated. Witii the evo

33、lvement of academic theoretical level, more and more new and important theories have been presented. In recent years, American sitcom began to get the ball rolling, such as Friends, Modem Family and The Big Bang Theory etc. In order to promote the communication between people who speak different lan

34、guages, humor has been studied from distinct perspectives. Then, imder such circumstance, American sitcoms have become a source of corpus for tiie study of humorous conversation implications, because the best way to understand something very abstract is to materialize it. The Big Bang Theory as one

35、of the most popular American sitcom, is l An Analysis of Humorous Conversation Implications in The Big Bang Theory V from the Perspective of Relevance Theory a very rewarding research object. Understanding of humorous conversation is a very necessary step in human communication. 1.2 Objectives and S

36、ignificance of the Study The understanding of humor is very important to the English learners as well. In a word, there are two basic objectives; firstly, from the perspective of the American sitcom lovers, this thesis can serve as an example to understand the humor meaning. Secondly, from the persp

37、ective of the English learners, this thesis can teach the learners how to understand the verbal humor theoretically. This is the main idea for the author to finish this thesis. When talking about the significance of the study of humorous conversation implications, the world-wide communication and rapid internet development must be mentioned. As the aut


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