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《2022大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book,3Unit,3-passage,a-词汇充电难点精讲.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book,3Unit,3-passage,a-词汇充电难点精讲.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book,3Unit,3-passage,a-词汇充电难点精讲1 assure v. to tell firmly and with confidence, to convince 有信念地告知,向„„保证:He assured us of his ability to solve the problem。他向我们保证他有实力解决这问题。 I can assure you (that) the medicine is perfectly safe. 我向您保证这药肯定平安。【联想】同根词 assurance n. 保证; assure

2、r /assuror n. 保险商,保证者; assured adj. 确定的,自信的。【考题】The director gave me his that he would double my pay if I did my job well. A. warrantB. obligationC. assuranceD. certainty 【详解】答案为 C。题意:主管向我保证假如我工作做得好,他会给我双倍的工资。warrant意为授权、批准、担保;obligation 意为义务、责任;certainty 意为的确、必定;而 assurance 意为确保、保证、许诺。2 bar n. a pi

3、ece of solid material that is longer that it is wide 长条, 长棍 A counter at which drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and sometimes food, are served.吧台Something that impedes or prevents action or progress.障碍,障碍物A place of judgment; a tribunal. 法庭:His bad English is a bar to his getting a job.他蹩脚的英语成为他

4、求职的障碍。【短语】a snack bar 小吃店; a coffee bar 咖啡店 ;the prisoner at the bar 在法庭受审的人。v. to obstruct or impede; block.阻挡或阻碍;封锁:Soldiers barred the way and we couldn’t go any further.士兵们阻挡了道路我们不能再前进了。3 elaborate adj. very detailed and complicated 详尽困难的:The company offers an elaborate training scheme for

5、 new employees.公司为新来的员工供应了具体的训练方案。【联想】同义词 complex; 反义词 plain, simple v. to add more details to sth. 详尽阐述;发挥:Would you care to elaborate a little on what you have already said?你能对刚才所说的具体的说明一下么? 【考题】The Prime Minister frequently wandered from his text to _ on a point that had obviously caught his audi

6、ence’s interest. A. elaborateB. interpretC. emphasizeD. explain 【详解】答案 A。elaborate on 对„„作具体说明。题意为:总理经常偏离讲稿去阐述一个明显引起听众爱好观点。B. interpret 口译, 说明, 说明;C. emphasize强调,后都不能干脆用 on;D. explain 说明,说明。4 exceed v. to be greater than; surpass. 比„„更好;超过:His success exceeded the expec

7、tation of all people.他的胜利超出全部人的预料。 to go beyond the limits of 超越„„的界限:The lady was found guilty on the charge of exceeding the speed limit. 这位女士被指控超速, 犯了罪。【联想】同根词 excedance n. 超过数; exceeding adj. 特别的,极度的; exceedingly adv.特别地,极度地 5 float v. to cause to remain suspended without sinking or

8、falling. 使悬浮:使保持悬浮而不沉下或跌下 to put into the water; launch 置于水中,行于水中:放入水中;使„„下水:【联想】同根词 floatation n.浮动; floater n.漂移物; floating adj.漂移的。【考题】Many years had _ before they returned to their original urban areas. A. floatedB. elapsedC. skippedD. proceeded【详解】答案是 B。题意是:许多年之后,他们回到了最初居住的郊区。岁月消逝,常

9、用 elapse;float 是漂移在水面上;skip 是跳动的意思;proceed 是指事情的进行和进展。【短语】float a ship; float a navy. 使轮船下水;使舰艇下水。6 frown v. To wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure. 皱眉:深思或不兴奋时皱起眉毛 n. a wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure 皱眉:深思或不兴奋时皱眉的样子;皱眉 【短语】an angry frown 怒目蹙额; a deep frown 紧皱的眉头; frown at

10、 sb. 朝某人皱眉头 7 immigrant n. someone coming into a country from abroad to make their home there ( 自外国移入的) 移民:The U.S. is made up mainly of immigrants. 美国主要是由移民组成的国家。adj. ( 从外国) 移来的, 移民的, 移居的 【考题】Many of the earliest _ into the United States established large plantations. A. exilesB. migrantsC. immigra

11、nts D. emigrants 【详解】答案是 C. 题意:很多早期到美国的移民建立了大种植园。immigrant ( 从外国移入的) 移民; emigrant( 移到外国的) 移民; exile 流亡者; migrant ( 从一地到另外一地的) 移居者。8 import v. To bring or carry in from an outside source,进口:从外部来源输入:After entering into WTO, China will import more agricultural products. 加入世贸组织后, 中国将加大农作物的进口。n. somethin

12、g imported. 进口的物品:Computer is one of our imports. 计算机是我们的一个进口项目。meaning; signification. importance; 意思,含义,重要性:I can’t know the import of his remark. 我不知道他讲话的要旨是什么。9 latter adj. the second (of two people or things just mentioned)后者的,后面的,末了的:Between captain and major, the latter is the higher ra

13、nk. 在上尉与少校之间,后者是军衔较高。 near or nearer to the end:末了的:接近或更接近结局的:I haven’t read the latter part of the book. 我还没读这部书的结尾部分。【短语】the former.the latter.前者,后者:They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.他们养马和牛, 前者用来乘骑, 后者供食用。10 manufacture v. to make or produce esp. by mach

14、inery or other industrial processes and usu. in large quantities 用机器制造(尤指大量地):The manufacture of cars in China has doubled in the recent 5 years. 在中国,汽车的生产量在最近 5 年翻了一番。 to invent(an excuse,reason,story etc.)in order to deceive sb. 捏造;杜撰;编造:The boy didn’t want to go to school so he manufactured

15、 an excuse about being ill. 那个男孩不想去上学,所以编造了一个生病的借口。【联想】同根词 manufactured adj. 人造的; manufacturer n. 制造业者,厂商; manufacturing n. 制造业。11 miniature adj. being on a small or greatly reduced scale. 小型的或微小的:My son asked me to buy him a miniature car. 我儿子要我给他买辆玩具汽车。n. a very small copy or representation of any

16、thing 缩略,略图:They have got a model Olympic Village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in miniature. 他们弄到奥林匹克村的模型给人们参观,它全部的建筑物和道路都是缩小了的。【联想】同根词 miniaturization n. 小型化, 微型化;miniaturized adj. 小型化的, 微型化的。12 notion n. a belief or opinion. 思想或观念:I have only a vague notion of what she said

17、 last night.我不大清晰昨天晚上她说了些什么。【联想】同根词 notional 概念的,想象的;notionalist 理论家; notionist 宗教观点偏激的人 【考题】Do you have any _ about what living beings on other planets would be like? A. idealB. comprehensionC. notionD. intelligence 【详解】答案 C. 句意: 你知道其他星球的人长的什么样子么? ideal 志向的; comprehension 理解, 包含; notion 观念, 想法; int

18、elligence 智力, 聪慧。13 pledge v. to offer or guarantee by a solemn binding promise:许诺:用庄重有约束力的诺言提出或保证:pledge loyalty to a nation; pledged their cooperation. 向国家许诺忠心;许诺他们的合作。 They made a firm pledge to support us. 他们坚决地发誓支持我们。n. sth.,valuable left with someone else as proof that one will fulfil an agree

19、ment 抵押物:She borrowed $40 and left her gold necklace as a pledge. 她借了 40 美元, 并留下她的金项链作为抵押。 sth. given or received as a sign of faithful love or frendship 信物, 象征( 爱情, 友情) 物:Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 收下这枚戒指,做我们友情的信物。14 reputation n. the general estimation in which a person is held

20、by the public 名声:公众看待某人的总的评价 【考题】During the nineteen years of his career, France Battiate has won the _ of a wide audience outside Italy. A. enjoymentB. appreciationC. evaluationD. reputation 【详解】答案是 B。题意:在十九年的职业生涯中,法朗士巴蒂亚赢得了意大利以外的广阔听众的赏识。enjoyment 享乐, 欢乐;appreciation 赏识, 感谢;evaluation 评价, 评估;reputa

21、tion 名声, 品质。【短语】acquire reputation 取得名誉;establish reputation 树立声誉;guard one’s reputation 维护自己的声誉;destroy/ruin sb’s reputation 败坏某人的名誉。15 rival v. to equal; to be as good as or reach the same standard as 与„„匹敌;与„„抗衡:No computer can rival a human brain in complexity

22、. 没有计算机可以在困难性上与人脑相比。n. person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area 竞争对手;敌手:People generally realize that rivals exist in every field. 人们渐渐意识到各个领域都会存在竞争对手。【考题】Although the two players are _ in the tennis court, they are really good friends. A. partnersB. enemies C

23、. rivalsD. companions 【详解】答案是 C。句意:虽然在网球场上两个选手是对手,但他们是好挚友。因此 C(rival) 符合本题意。partner 合伙人;enemy 敌人;companion 同伴。16 sponsor n. one who assumes responsibility for a person or a thing 担保人,保证人;提案人,倡议者:If I am going to go and live in America, I must get a American sponsor.假如我去美国并住在那里,我必需有美国人做担保。one that fi

24、nances a project or an event 赞助商,赞助人:The cinema house could not survive without commercial sponsors. 没有商业赞助人,这家影院就无法维持下去。v. act as a sponsor 发起,赞助,做„„的保证人:China will sponsor the Olympic Games of 2022. 中国将举办 2022 奥运会。17 status n. one’s legal position, or condition 身份,地位:In our count

25、ry, the status of specialists in every field have been recognized and respected. 在我们国家,专家的身份和地位得到全部人的认可和敬重。 high social position, recognition and respect by others 威望,名声:He won his status through his success.他的胜利为自己赢得了威望。【联想】形近词 statue 雕像; stature 声望; statute 法令,法规。【考题】The clothes a person wears may

26、 express his _ or social position A. curiosityB. statusC. determinationD. significance 【详解】答案 B。句意:一个人的衣着装扮可以显示这个人的身份和地位。curiosity 新奇;status 地位;determination 决心,确定;significance 意义,重要性。18 spotless adj. perfectly clean, free from blemish; impeccable 极其清洁的,没有污点的;无瑕的:The most women like spotless house.

27、多数妇女喜爱清洁的房子。【考题】The tomato juice left brown _ on the front of my jacket. A. spotB. pointC. trackD. trace 【详解】答案 A。题意:番茄汁在我的夹克前留下了褐色斑迹。四个词表示物体在表面上留下的痕迹。spot 表示斑点,污点,污迹;point 多表示抽象意义的点;track 多指人、车辆、动物的踪迹,车辙,踪迹;trace 指人、事务、物的痕迹,踪迹。19 trademark n. a special name, sign, word, which is marked on a product

28、 注册商标a particular sign, way of acting, by which a person or a thing can be recognized 特征,特点:The startling use of line and color is that artist’s special trademark. 运用线条和色调的惊人笔法构成这位画家的特征。【短语】imitate a trademark 冒牌; registered trademarks 注册商标;counterfeit trademarks 影射商标。20 as a result adv. 结果:Th

29、e flight was delayed as a result of fog. 航班晚点是由于有雾。【联想】相关短语 result in 引起,导致; result from 起于,由于; as a result of 作为„„的结果; meet with good results 取得好结果;without result 无效的,毫无结果地。21 by means of by using, through 运用,由于:This foreigner tried to make himself understood by means of body language.这

30、位外国人试图用肢体语言来让人明白他的意思。【联想】相关短语 by all means 肯定,务必;by no means 决不,一点也不;by this means 用这种方法。22 frown on/upon to disapprove of 表示不赞成:Every teacher would frown on cheating in exams. 老师们不允许考试作弊。【联想】相关短语 frown sb. into silence 皱眉使某人闭嘴;frown one’s displeasure 皱眉表示不满。23 tend to to have some tendency, b

31、e like to do or be sth.有„„趋势: It tends to rain here a lot in Spring.这里春天雨水往往许多。24 have long done 长时间始终做某事:I have long believed that our Chinese people is the cleverest people in the world. 我始终认为中国民族是世界上最聪慧的民族。【联想】in the long run 从长远来看;in the long term 就长远而看。1. American mothers have long

32、believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap. 美国的妈妈们始终信任,假如要把那些小淘气鬼的嘴巴洗干净的话,没有什么能赛过象牙皂的了。 1) 这是一个多重复合句 that 引导的宾语从句;宾语从句中又包含了一个由 when 引导的状语从句。2) when it comes to 谈到,涉及到。如:When it comes to quality, this is first-rate. 谈到质量的话,这个是最好的。2. And should

33、you drop it into a tubful of cloudy, child-colored water, not to worry it floats.如不慎把肥皂掉入浴缸的浑浊的水中,不用担忧,它会自动浮出水面。 1) 这句话运用了虚拟语气,原句 if you should drop 在虚拟语气中,假如条件从句有 should, were, had 那么 if 省略,句子改为倒装。例句:Were she interested, I would telephone her. ( 正常结构为 If she were interested.)假如她有爱好,我就打电话告知她。Had it

34、not been cold, I would have opened the window. (正常结构 If it had not been cold,„„) 假如当时不是天太冷,我就把窗户打开了。3. Introduced in 1879 as an inexpensive white soap intended to rival the quality of imported soaps, it was mass marketed by means of one of the first nationwide advertising campaigns.1879

35、年,为抗衡进口香皂的质量,象牙香皂被作为一种廉价白色肥皂投入市场。为进行大规模销售,宝洁公司发起了第一次全国规模的广告宣扬活动。 1) introduced in 1879 as an inexpensive white soap „„为过去分词短语作全句的状语。intended to rival the quality of imported soaps 为过去分词短语作定语,修饰 white soap。4. Ivory Soap in an American institution, about as widely recognized as the Washing

36、ton Monument and far more well respected than Congress. 象牙皂是美国的一种文化现象,它就像华盛顿纪念碑一样被广泛认可,而且比国会受敬重。 1) about as widely recognized as the Washington Monument and far more well respected than Congress.这句话作为同位语,是补充说明 institution 的,可以当作一个省略了 which is 的非限定定语从句来理解。5. The company keeps a precise count, howeve

37、r, of the billion of dollars it earns(. 就连宝洁公司自己也不清晰究竟卖出了多少亿块象牙香皂)但却精确记载了香皂带来了多少亿美元。 1) it earns 为省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句,修饰先行词 dollars。2) count v. 点数;数;算。to count from 1 to 100 从 1 数到 100。计算,清点;总数达.Count these apples. 清点一下这些苹果。认为,视为;看作。Count it an honor (to do sth) 把做某事引以为荣。有价值,重要;有用。Every second counts

38、. 每一秒钟都很重要。相关短语 count on 依靠,依靠。如:You can count on my help. 你可依靠我的帮助。6. The company has grown a bit since it was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio. by a pair ofimmigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble, each of whom pledged $3 596.47 to the enterprise.自从1837年,两个外国移民威廉普罗克特和詹姆斯盖博尔各投资3 596.47

39、美元,在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市成立了宝洁公司以来,公司取得了巨大的发展。 1) since 后面可以跟名词,时间短语和句子,表示自从„„。each of whom pledged $ 3596.47 to he enterprise 是非限定定语从句。7. It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War.直到 20 多年后( 即美国内战即将爆发之前),公司的销售额才突破 100 万美元。 1) 这

40、个句子用到的结构是 it takes/took sometime for sb. to do sth; which 引导的非限定性从句修饰整个主句。2) for sale 待售。如:That house is for sale. 那座房子待售。相关短语 on sale 出售,上市;a clearance sale 清仓拍卖;auction sale 拍卖。8. The company’s big break came with the introduction of its floating soap and the realization that an elaborate ad

41、vertising campaign could turn a simple, though high-quality, product into a phenomenon.随着漂移香皂的推出,以及意识到细心策划的广告活动可以让一种简洁而优质的产品成为一种时尚,宝洁公司才有了巨大的发展。 1) 句子主干为The.break came。with the introduction of .product into a phenomenon 做伴随状语,以 that 引导的定语从句 that an elaborate.product into a phenomenon 的先行词为the realiz

42、ation。9. So successful was this product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale.新产品和市场营销获得了如此胜利以至于几乎每一个美国人都运用它。这样公司很快就在一个叫艾弗里代尔的地方建立起新的大型工厂。 1) 在这个句子中,第一个 that 引导定语从句修饰先行词 effort,其次个

43、 that 是so.that结构。2) so + adj./adv. + that/such + n. + that 如此„„以至于„„。如:This noisy is so loud that I could hardly listen to what he said. 噪音如此之大以至于我几乎无法听清晰他说了什么。It is such a big gym that we don’t know how many people it can hold. 这个体育馆这么大,我们不知道它能容纳多少人。 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第20页 共20页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页


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