课时分层作业5 Module 3 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language.doc

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1、1课时分层作业(五) 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空1Though in the same family, the bird varies(vary) in size and color.2He injured his head falling off the chair and was unconscious(conscious) for an hour.3Im afraid if you insist on your price, we cannot make a deal.4Everything tried(try),they were still unable to find a

2、solution.5Traditionally(conditional), people in the west who attend the funeral wear black clothes.6I missed seeing my brother off at the airport because my car was held up in a traffic jam.7Its dangerous to give away personal information on the Internet.8Students will have the opportunity to broade

3、n their view by getting themselves involved(involve) in different environments.9As you know, human beings sometimes enjoy communicating (communicate) with others in body language.10David threatened to report(report) his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.句型转换1There are various flowe

4、rs in the park.There are varieties of flowers in the park.2I will be very happy if you can go together with me.I will be more than happy if you can go together with me.3Ill communicate with the police about this matter.Ill be in communication with the police about this matter.4The words he said just

5、 now made us confused.What he said just now made us confused.5Because there was nothing to do,we went home.2There being nothing to do,we went home.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解Very few gestures are universally understood.What is perfectly acceptable in the United States may be rude or even obscene(猥亵的) in other cu

6、ltures.Each of the following responses gives a general guide to cultural differences in the meaning of gestures.The OK gesture(with the thumb and the index finger forming an“O”) in America and England is given to mean everything is good.In Latin America and Germany,this gesture is obscene.Giving som

7、eone the middle finger is similarly offensive.In Japan,however,this means“money” In France,it has the additional meaning of “zero” or “worthless” Pass an item to someone with one hand.In Japan this is very rude.Even a very small item such as a pencil also must be passed with two hands.In many Middle

8、 and Far Eastern countries it is rude to pass something with your left hand,which is considered “unclean” Telling someone to come to you by curling your index finger is acceptable in America and England.This gesture is considered rude in many Asian countries such as Japan.In Singapore,this gesture s

9、tands for death.Putting your feet on the table is generally not considered to be offensive in America and England.However,in Thailand,Japan and France,it is considered rude to show the toes.The thumbup sign in America and most of European countries such as England and France means that something is

10、good or that you approve(赞成)This sign is considered rude in some Islamic countries of the Middle Eastern such as Iran and Iraq.Putting your hands on your hips is an open and confident posture in America and England.In some Asian countries such as Japan,this is considered as a sign of selfimportance.

11、If this same gesture is done with your hands in your pockets,it is considered to be extremely rude in Indonesia.So when you are travelling in a different country,be careful with gestures.3【语篇解读】 本文向我们介绍了一些手势在不同国家的含义。1Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo tell us the meaning of some g

12、estures in different countries.BTo explain why some gestures are hard to understand.CTo explain why a gesture means different things in different countries.DTo suggest that we know better about other countries.A 作者意图题。通读全文,可知作者主要向我们介绍了一些手势在不同国家的含义,故选 A。2According to the passage,which of the followin

13、g gestures may embarrass your German friend?A B C D.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“In Latin America and Germany,this gesture is obscene.”可知 B 项的手势会让德国的朋友感到尴尬。3When you are with a Japanese friend,it is OK for you to Aput your feet on the tableBpass him an item with both handsCput your hands on your hipsDcurl your in

14、dex fingerB 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Pass an item to someone with one hand.In Japan this is very rude.Even a very small item such as a pencil also must be passed with two hands.”可知应选 B。4Which of the following old sayings shows the meaning of the writers suggestion in the last paragraph?AEvery coin has two sides

15、.BThe early bird gets the worm.CWhere there is a will,there is a way.DWhen in Rome,do as the Romans do.D 推理判断题。根据末段的“So when you are travelling in a different 4country,be careful with gestures.”可知作者建议我们在别的国家旅游时要“入乡随俗” ,做正确的手势。.完形填空Years ago,I would wake up two or three times each night because of te

16、rrible pains.Having watched my father die of cancer,I 1 that I also had a cancer.So I went to a clinic.A doctor examined me,gave me some medicine and cleared my mind of 2 that I had a cancer.He suggested I should relax.After hearing these words,I felt 3 and acted on the doctors 4 One day while I was

17、 looking over an accumulation of old 5 on matters that were past and gone,I threw them into the wastebasket one by one. 6 I stopped and said to myself, “Bill,why dont you do the 7 thing with your worries that you are doing with these notes?” That idea gave me immediate 8 gave me the feeling of a wei

18、ght being lifted from me.From that day,I have made it a(n) 9 to throw into the wastebasket all the 10 that I can no longer do anything about.Then one day while my wife was wiping the dishes happily,another idea 11 to me.I thought, “Look,Bill,how 12 your wife is.Had she thought of washing the pile of

19、 dirty dishes like a barn these years,she would have been 13 by the thought.The reason my wife doesnt 14 washing the dishes now is that she washes only one days dishes at a time.” I saw what my 15 was.I was trying to wash todays dishes and yesterdays dishes and 16 the dishes that werent dirty yet.I

20、saw how 17 I was.I used to stand in front of people,telling other people how to live,yet I myself was leading a tense,worried,hurried existence.I felt 18 of myself.Worries dont 19 me any more.I now throw yesterdays anxieties into the wastebasket,and I have 20 trying to wash tomorrows dirty dishes to

21、day.【语篇解读】 作者曾经生活得过度紧张,夜不能寐,甚至怀疑自己得了绝症,但他最终通过观察生活细节悟出了让自己生活轻松、充实的办法。1A.declared BfearedCacknowledgedDconfirmed5B 上文提到作者过去常常晚上因剧烈疼痛而醒来两、三次及目睹了父亲因癌症去世,所以担心(fear)自己也会患上癌症。2A.dissatisfactionBmisfortuneCdoubtDthreatC 医生给作者检查、开了药并消除了作者的疑虑(doubt)。3A.relievedBoptimisticCcontentDdepressedA 作者听了医生的话以后,知道自己没得癌

22、症,可推断出作者心里感到宽慰(relieve)并且依照医生的建议(advice)行事。4A.opinionsBexperienceCpromisesDadviceD 参考上题解析。5A.booksBpapersCnotesDclothesC 依据下文第 7 空后的“doing with these notes”提示可知此处填 notes。6A.SuddenlyBGraduallyCEventuallyDObviouslyA 作者前面一个接一个地扔掉便条,然后突然(suddenly)停下来并对自己说。7A.meaningfulBsameCimportantDuniqueB 由下文提到的作者要扔掉

23、自己的麻烦问题可知,这里是要做和扔掉便条一样(same)的事情。8A.anxietyBconfusionCstrengthDinspirationD 作者的这个想法给了自己灵感(inspiration),同时使自己有一种如释重负的感觉。9A.ruleBorderCdifferenceDplan6A 从那天起,作者就养成了一个习惯(rule)。10A.habitsBachievementsCfailuresDproblemsD 根据上文第 7 空后提到了“your worries”可知,这里是扔掉所有的麻烦(problem)。11A.returnedBhappenedCoccurredDappe

24、aledC 一天,作者在看到他的妻子快乐地洗盘子时,突然有一个想法。12A.determinedBpleasedCsurprisedDpuzzledB 从前面的作者妻子快乐地洗盘子可知这里是高兴的(pleased)。13A.encouragedBdisappointedCdefeatedDsurprisedC 如果想到会洗堆得像仓库一样大的脏盘子时,她一定会被这个想法击垮(defeat)的。14A.enjoyBmindCconsiderDavoidB 作者的妻子不介意(mind)洗盘子的原因是她一次只洗一天的盘子。15A.thoughtBembarrassmentCexcuseDtrouble

25、D 由下文内容“作者不仅洗今天和明天的盘子甚至(even)还洗没有脏的盘子”可知,作者看到了自己的问题(trouble)所在。16A.evenBstillCmainlyDpartlyA 参考上题解析。17A.foolishBintelligentCmodestDabnormalA 由下文作者提到自己过去常常站在人们面前告诉大家怎么生活,自己却过着焦虑、紧张而匆忙的生活,觉得自己是多么愚蠢(foolish)。718A.consciousBashamedCproudDterrifiedB 由前句内容可知,作者对自己感到很羞愧(ashamed)。19A.convinceBopposeCexciteDbotherD 由下文作者现在把昨天的焦虑都扔掉可知,担忧不再困扰(bother)作者了。20A.admittedBdelayedCstoppedDregrettedC 作者已经停止(stop)“今天提前洗明天的盘子了” 。


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