西工大19春《大学英语3》在线作业 Why don t you travel to New York on vacation.docx

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1、大学英语大学英语3 31 1 单选题单选题1 Why dont you travel to New York on vacation? _. C A I dont want to goB Excuse me, because I cantC I want to but I havent got enough moneyD Because Im going to school today2 Its been a long, hard week, but _ relax. A A now thatB forC so thatD in that3 The last time I saw him, h

2、e said he was going to try and get to Britain. But I dont know _ he made it or not. D A thatB howC ifD whether4 Indian losses in the war were much heavier than _. A A their enemysB their enemyC their enemy didD their enemy was5 Its a very old car and the spare parts are _ available. B A no any longe

3、rB no longerC not any longerD no more6 He said _ as not within his power to answer the question. D A thatB thisC suchD it7 What about having a drink? _. A A Good ideaB Help yourselfC Go ahead, pleaseD Me, too8 Can I have a look at your passport? _. C A It isB Here is itC Here you areD No, you cant9

4、Her interest in the newspaper business came from her parents, _ of whom were journalists. A A bothB eitherC allD each10 The pressure of too much homework has led to an evident _ among the students. D A shortageB minimumC refusalD decline11 Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech co

5、ntest. _. C A Yes, I beat the othersB No, no, I didnt do it wellC Thank youD Its a pleasure12 Could you help me with my homework, please? _ D A No, no wayB No, I couldntC No, I cantD Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now13 He certainly tried to explain his ideas but I am still at a loss

6、_ his points. B A seeingB to seC for seeingD and see14 Can I help you? No, thanks._. B A I just look aroundB I am just lookingC I would like to lookD I will buy nothing15 I have a serious toothache, doctor. _. Let me give you an examination. D A It doesnt matterB Thats OKC Take it easyD Dont worry16

7、 I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work _. C A to doB doingC doneD being done17 Do you mind my turning off the light? _. Im reading the end of the story. C A No, not at allB Of course notC Id rather you didntD Yes, please18 Im taking my driving test tomorrow. _! B A CheersB Good luc

8、kC Come onD Congratulations19 Could I speak to John Harris, please? _. D A Oh, how are youB Im JohnC Im listeningD Speaking20 Many small investors are taking _of these attractive share offers to make a quick profit. A A advantageB benefitC interestD use21 _ I am! Ive forgotten to post your letter. C

9、 A What forgetful a creatureB How forgetful a creatureC What a forgetful creatureD How a forgetful creature22 Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was _. D A preferring toB transferring toC switching toD referring to23 Im very sorry I cant go to your birthday party. _. C A Its

10、 very niceB Can I help youC It doesnt matterD Certainly24 If he _ a little more time to think, he would have acted more sensibly. A A had takenB did takeC would have takenD would take25 “Did you enjoy your vacation in New York City?“ Very much. We had a good time _? C A the visiting of museumsB for

11、museum visitingC visiting the museumsD to visit the museums26 Can you turn down the radio, please? _. B A Oh, I knowB Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud.C Ill keep it down next time.D Please forgive me.27 _? About six yuan a kilo. B A How oldB How muchC How oftenD How many28 Who was at the d

12、oor? “It was a priest or _ wanting to talk about religion. A A someoneB anyoneC oneD the one29 Do you think I can use your pen? _. D A Yes, go onB No, do pleaseC Yes, you couldD But Im using it myself30 Small computers need only small amounts of power, _ many that they will run on small batteries. A

13、 A whichB thatC thisD what31 Repeating _ he had already told the court, the accused maintained that he was at home at the time. B A thatB whatC whichD how32 _ gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems. D A Not onlyB ExceptC UnlessD Besides33 He wouldnt answe

14、r the questions of the reporters, _ pose for a photograph. C A nor he wouldB so would heC nor would heD nor he would34 This is the third time this week _ to study late, isnt it? C A hes havingB he hadC hes hadD he has35 Pressed for further details, the chairman confessed _ that profits would show a

15、further fall. D A such being likelyB that being likelyC they to be likelyD it to be likely36 I want you to tell my friend your very interesting experience _ you have told it to me. A A the wayB the mannerC the same asD such as37 Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _. C

16、 A Yes, I beat the othersB No, no, I didnt do it wellC Thank youD Its a pleasure38 Only because there were some cancelled bookings in the end _ C A he did get some ticketsB got he some ticketsC did he get some ticketsD some tickets did he get39 Its no good _ remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned. A A trying toB try toC to try toD that try t040 Would you like to go fishing with us now? _. B A No, I dont likeB It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to doC I wont tell youD Oh, it is well


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